Pray from the World of God’s Word

Eighth Day Prayer is a movement calling the church to pray from scripture.

What makes this approach different from praying on your own?

Every day we wake up in a world of media spin, assaulted by contradictory frameworks and ideologies, and trapped in the imagination of our own hearts. Too often, our prayers begin and end from these feeble thoughts.

What a relief it is to step out into the expansive vista provided by God’s Word. In the world of scripture, a heavenly ruler shepherds his people, and He welcomes us all into his loving arms and sends us out on mission under the guidance of his Holy Spirit. And this is the real world!

Prayer should begin and end with God, not with our own small thoughts.

How can this be done? By opening ourselves up to the challenge and adventure of God’s Word.

Eighth Day Prayer offers daily prompts to enter the world of scripture, to encounter God, and to follow him. We hope to be one way that God equips the church to pray from scripture, and we invite you to join us by subscribing to our daily calls to prayer. These prompts are ordered by the church’s liturgical calendar, beginning in Advent and then continuing through major liturgical seasons.

Rather than taking the present age as our home, we can begin to inhabit our forever home. We have been seated with Christ “in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:6). Praise be to God.

Sample Devotional: Advent Day 1